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Access and Availability

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Please consider completing this survey to help us better understand your Access and Availability status as outlined by NH DHHS. It only takes 5-10 minutes of your time and you will entered into a drawing to receive breakfast or lunch (your choice) for your office! Thank you!

In order to help our members, your patients, understand the expectations for providing an adequate network, capacity, services, geographic locations across the state, and appointment scheduling, the charts below show the Access and Availability standards to follow from the Department of Health and Human Services:

A Participating Provider Network that adequately meets all covered medical, mental health, Serious Mental Illness, Serious Emotional Disturbance, Substance Use Disorder and psychosocial needs of NH Healthy Families members in a manner that provides for coordination and collaboration among multiple Providers and disciplines and equal access to services.

Assurances of Adequate Capacity and Services for NH Healthy Families’ Participating Provider network shall have Participating Providers in sufficient numbers, and with sufficient capacity and expertise for all covered services to meet the geographic standards.

Time and Distance Standards. At a minimum, NH Healthy Families’ Participating Provider network shall meet the geographic access standards described in the table below for all NH Healthy Families members, in addition to maintaining in its network a sufficient number of Participating Providers to provide all services and equal access.

Type of AppointmentScheduling Time Frame
Transitional care after inpatient stay (medical or behavioral) – PCP, Specialist or CMHCWithin 2 business days of discharge when part of a member’s discharge plan from inpatient care
Transitional care after inpatient stay (medical or behavioral) – Home careWithin 2 calendar days of discharge – must be ordered by PCP, specialty care provider or as part of discharge plan
PCP non-symptomatic office visitWithin 45 calendar days of request
PCP non-urgent, symptomatic visitsWithin 10 calendar days of request
PCP or other provider Urgent, symptomatic office visitsWithin 48 hours
Mental Health ProvidersCare within 6 hours, or direct member to crisis center or ER For a non-life
threatening emergency Care within 48 hours for urgent care appointment within 10 business days for a routine office visit
Post Discharge from New Hampshire HospitalContact with community mental health center within 48 hours of psychiatric discharge from a New Hampshire Hospital and follow-up appointment to occur within 7 calendar days
Private Hospital Psychiatric DischargeFollow-up appointment within 7 calendar days
Emergency Providers (medical and behavioral)Immediately (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and without prior authorization
PCPs (Adult and Pediatric)Two (2) within forty (40) driving minutes or fifteen (15) driving miles
Adult SpecialistsOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
Pediatric SpecialistsOne (1) within one hundred twenty (120) driving minutes or eighty driving (80) miles
OB/GYN ProvidersOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
HospitalsOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
Mental Health Providers (Adult and Pediatric)One (1) within forty-five (45) driving minutes or twenty-five (25) driving miles
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC)All certified
CCBHCs in New Hampshire
Community Mental Health ProgramsOne (1) within forty-five (45) driving minutes or twenty-five (25) driving miles
PharmaciesOne (1) within forty-five (45) driving minutes or fifteen (15) driving miles
Tertiary or Specialized Services (e.g., Trauma, Neonatal)One (1) within one hundred twenty (120) driving minutes or eighty driving (80) miles
Individual/Group MLADCsOne (1) within forty-five (45) minutes or fifteen (15) miles
Substance Use Disorder ProgramsOne (1) within sixty (60) minutes or forty-five (45) miles.
Adult Medical Day CareOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
HospiceOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
Office-based Physical Therapy/Occupation-al Therapy/Speech TherapyOne (1) within sixty (60) driving minutes or forty-five (45) driving miles
Provider/Service TypeRequirement
MLADCsThe MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include seventy percent (70%) of all such Providers licensed and practicing in NH
Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs)The MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include seventy-five percent (75%) of all such Providers licensed and practicing in NH
Buprenorphine PrescribersThe Participating Provider network shall include seventy-five percent (75%) of all
such Providers actively prescribing Buprenorphine in their practice and
licensed and practicing in NH
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment ProgramsThe MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include fifty percent (50%) of all such Providers licensed and practicing in NH
Peer Recovery ProgramsThe MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include one hundred percent (100%) of all such willing Programs in NH
Residential Programs for Serious Mental IllnessThe MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include 100% of all such Providers, located in NH, if they are operated by or under contract with Community Mental Health Programs, and 100% of all such Providers if they are otherwise under
contract with the Department and are appropriately licensed or certified by the
Department under He-P 800 or He-M 1000.
Psychiatric Residential Treatment FacilitiesThe MCO’s Participating Provider network shall include 100% of all such Providers, located in NH, if they are owned or operated by, under contract with, or are
otherwise determined or designated by the Department to provide this service,
and are appropriately licensed or certified by the Department or a Department
approved alternative certification entity.